Environmental Lobby Day Boot Camp
Presented by our friends and colleagues at Washington Environmental Council, Washington Conservation Voters, and Fuse Washington
This year we’re training in the “off-season” to be ready to advocate for key environmental health and justice legislation in 2022. We are offering training events for volunteers and activists who want to play a planning and support role for Environmental Lobby Day.
Every year it takes dedicated volunteers like you to help us set appointments with legislators across Washington state for activists who want to lobby their elected officials. We also need folks who are excited to lead their neighbors in district through a lobby appointment.
Join the Climate Reality WA State Chapters Coalition, Fuse Washington, Our Climate, Washington Environmental Council, and Washington Conservation Voters for virtual training on how to be a “Legislative District Lead” and how to set up and confirm appointments with legislative staff for Lobby Day.
With your help and leadership, we will be better prepared to advocate for environmental health and justice, clean water and healthy forests, and climate action when the state legislature convenes again.
No previous lobby experience is necessary for this virtual training.
Qeustions? Email kat@wcvoters.org