With your support, WPSR is solving the gravest threats to health:
economic inequity, the climate crisis, and nuclear weapons.
Gifts of cash and by check are easy to make and can be made payable to: “Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility”.
2524 16th Ave. S #300
Seattle, WA 98144
Appreciated stocks and securities can easily be donated to WPSR. Contact your institution with the information below and let us know if you plan to make a gift of stock because such donations are not accompanied by donor information. Fill out this Stock Gift Notification Form and email it to: wpsr@wpsr.org.
WPSR does not accept stock of oil, chemical manufacturers, polluters and their lobbyists.
Brokerable Firm: Fidelity
DTC#: 0226
Account #: Z06591429
Tax ID#: 91-1123316
If you’re over 70 ½, you may want to consider a gift in the form of a Qualified Charitable Distribution, or, “QCD,” commonly known as an IRA charitable rollover. A QCD is a distribution from your IRA made directly to a qualified charitable organization.
If you’d like to make a gift to WPSR, please contact your IRA administrator to arrange a direct transfer from your account in the form of a check payable to: Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, To help you communicate with your IRA administrator, please find a sample letter to use HERE.
A bequest is a simple type of estate gift to make. A bequest is an asset, a specific dollar amount, or a percentage of an estate to support Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility. It can be made via will or trust, or a beneficiary form, and will benefit WPSR when the donor passes. Here’s a Sample Bequest Letter that you can use.
A gift in honor of someone celebrates someone or a special event, and a gift in memory of someone can be a powerful way to perpetuate values and ideals that have impacted someone’s life and others, even after they’ve passed. You can use any of the donation options you see on this page and let us know about who you would like to honor. WPSR will notify the appropriate family member or colleagues about your gift, but will keep the gift amount private.
Many employers offer matching gift programs to match charitable donations made by their employees? Make a matching gift through your employer to double, or even triple, the impact of your gift. Typically, the following donations may be matched by an employer:
Gifts made by employees of the company
Gifts from the spouses of company employees
Gifts made by retirees of the company
WPSR also participates in the Washington State Combined Fund Drive (CFD).