EPA’s deregulations are an

attack on public health

Reconsideration of Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards (PM 2.5 NAAQS)

In 2024, EPA tightened the standards for PM 2.5 from 12 micrograms per cubic meter to 9, noting that the change is to provide increased public health protection and that an extensive body of science links it to a range of serious and sometimes deadly illnesses. Reports from the Government Accountability Office noted this change does not have a significant economic impact. 

  • Health Impacts: PM 2.5 is a dangerous air pollutant linked to increased rates of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and premature deaths. Long-term exposure has also been associated with cognitive decline, increased dementia risk, and adverse birth outcomes such as preterm birth and low birth weight. Communities near highways, industrial areas, and fossil fuel infrastructure bear the highest burden of PM 2.5 exposure, worsening existing health disparities.

Reconsideration of regulations “throttling the oil and gas industry” and mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program

These rollbacks point to EPA rules that address  gaps in reporting of emissions data for the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP). This rule required reporting data from the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions like fuel and industrial gas suppliers, as well as CO2 injection sites. Congress affirmed the EPA’s authority to address methane pollution under the Clean Air Act in the Inflation Reduction Act with a “Methane Emissions and Waste Reduction Incentive Program for Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems.” This program, established by Congress in the Inflation Reduction Act, includes, not only technical assistance to industry, it also imposes an excess waste charge for facilities that emit > 25,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalent of methane per year. Additionally it bans “flaring” the practice of directly burning excess gas produced at the wellhead. These reconsiderations effectively remove the reporting of this data. 

  • Health Impacts:  Methane is 80 times as potent a greenhouse gas in the 20 year time span and directly exacerbates the human health consequences of global heating. Atmospheric methane also has direct, immediate, adverse impacts on human health. It creates ground level ozone which increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and COPD in the elderly and asthma in children. Flaring releases the same toxins described above under vehicle emissions. The rollback also increases exposure to toxic pollutants released during oil and gas extraction, such as benzene, formaldehyde, and toluene, which are linked to cancer, reproductive harm, and neurological disorders.

Reconsideration of Emission Standards for Power Plants

The Clean Power Plan 2.0, released by the Biden administration, included a suite of rules to reduce pollution from fossil-fuel fired power plants. Rolling back this plan removes greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets for coal-fired plants, and emissions of toxic metals and air pollutants.

  • Health Impacts: Coal-fired power plants emit pollutants such as mercury, arsenic, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter, which are linked to neurological damage, respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Mercury exposure, in particular, can cause severe neurological damage in developing fetuses and young children. Increased sulfur dioxide emissions contribute to acid rain and worsen asthma and chronic lung diseases.

Reconsideration of light-duty, medium-duty, and heavy-duty vehicle emission regulations

The EPA’s rule on multi-pollutant emissions standards for light-duty and medium-duty vehicles aim to reduce emissions gradually phase industry-wide average targets for emissions of carbon dioxide per mile to nearly 50% reductions for light-duty and 44% for medium-duty vehicles. Rolling back these standards increases allowable levels of pollutants.

  • Health Impacts: Vehicle emissions include small particulates (PM 2.5), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and ground level ozone. These toxins cause asthma, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, exacerbate obstructive lung disease, increase risk of cancer , and are associated with a higher risk of  premature deaths, particularly in urban areas.

Reconsideration of Mercury and Air Toxics Standards targeting coal-fired power plants (MATS)

The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) help to address the management of things like coal ash that is disposed of in areas where it can contaminate groundwater. Reconsideration of these standards allow these power plants to pollute the environment how they wish. 

  • Health Impacts: Mercury is a neurotoxin that can cause irreversible brain damage, especially in developing fetuses and young children. Chronic exposure to arsenic and chromium increases risks for lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. Communities near coal ash disposal sites are at particularly high risk of exposure.

Terminating Environmental Justice Offices

The same day as the EPA announcement of regulatory rollbacks an internal Trump administration memo was made public. It described the EPA Administrator's plan to pursue “the reorganization and elimination” of the offices of environmental justice at all 10 EPA regional offices as well as one in Washington DC. Without these offices, regulatory enforcement will be significantly weakened in areas disproportionately impacted by pollution. 

  • Health ImpactsThe burden of air and water pollution and other environmental toxic exposures is not borne equally with low income communities and communities of color suffering outsized impacts. Failure to acknowledge inequitable exposure and act to reduce the same will propagate ongoing disparities in health outcomes including childhood development and adult mortality that correlate with race and income. 

Reconsideration of National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for American energy and manufacturing sectors (NESHAPs)

The NESHAP standards address pollutants known or suspected to cause cancer or other serious defects. Rolling back these standards limits EPA’s ability to conduct inspections and monitor facilities that pose significant environmental risks and have noncompliance patterns. 

  • Health Impacts: This rollback allows increased emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) such as benzene, formaldehyde, and dioxins, which are known carcinogens. Long-term exposure to these pollutants leads to higher rates of lung disease, developmental disorders, and immune system suppression, disproportionately impacting low-income and minority communities. Communities near industrial corridors are already experiencing higher-than-average cancer and respiratory illness rates due to cumulative exposure. 

Reconsideration of limitations, guidelines and standards (ELG) for the Steam Electric Power Generating Industry to ensure low-cost electricity while protecting water resources (Steam Electric ELG)

Steam Electric Power Generating is a process by which steam is used to drive turbines connected to electric generators. These plants create wastewater in the form of chemical pollutants. Recent EPA rules in 2024 strengthened discharge limits on these plants,  but the rollback would delay or weaken these protections, allowing toxic wastewater to be discharged into lakes, rivers, and drinking water sources.

  • Health Impacts: Weakening these regulations increases the likelihood of heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic contaminating drinking water. These toxins are linked to cognitive impairments, developmental delays, kidney damage, and an increased risk of cancer. Contaminated drinking water also disproportionately affects rural communities reliant on well water.

Revisiting the 2009 Endangerment Finding

In 2009, the EPA announced that “current and projected concentrations of the six key well-mixed greenhouse gases” threaten public health and the welfare of current and future generations. This finding does not impose any requirements on industry, rather acts as a prerequisite for implementing emissions standards. Revisiting this finding removes further data that helps to identify the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on our health. 

  • Health Impacts: Weakening this foundation for climate action removes scientific and technical information used to summarize the impacts of emissions. It could delay efforts to reduce emissions, and exacerbate ongoing efforts to fight heat-related illnesses, and respiratory conditions due to worsening air pollution.

Reconsideration of wastewater regulations for oil and gas development

Volumes of wastewater generated by the oil and gas industry have continued to increase over time. The EPA operates two sets of guidelines on these topics. 

  • Health Impacts:  Oil and gas wastewater contains radioactive materials, carcinogens, heavy metals, and hormone-disrupting chemicals. If these regulations are weakened, contaminated wastewater could enter drinking water supplies, increasing risks of gastrointestinal disorders, reproductive harm, and chronic diseases.

Reconsideration of Risk Management Program Rule for oil and natural gas refineries and chemical facilities

This program rule is intended to address security risks and ensures that communities near chemical facilities get emergency response plans and better public information about accidents. 

  • Health Impacts: This rollback increases the risk of catastrophic chemical accidents and acute chemical exposure which can cause respiratory distress and lead to toxic air releases, fires, and explosions. Exposure to hazardous chemicals from refinery accidents has been linked to respiratory distress, chemical burns, and long-term cancer risks for nearby communities.

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The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) latest regulatory rollbacks aim to reduce perceived industry burdens. Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility (WPSR) is deeply concerned about these rollbacks, which threaten the health of everyone in America. Below, we review some of the reconsiderations and the harms they pose to human health.