2025 Healthy Climate Agenda
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Healthy Climate, Healthy People
Clean Air for All: We’re pushing to reduce harmful emissions from anesthetic gases and phase out polluting wood stoves through stronger standards. We support the CURB Pollution Act to address unregulated pollutants, protect vulnerable communities, and amplify community voices in pollution permitting decisions.
Adapting to extreme weather: We’re advocating for expanded funding for portable heat pumps, climate education programs, and mental health resources to address rising climate anxiety and build community resilience.
Sustainable Transportation: We support investments in clean transit, including the Western WA Rail Act, shore power at ports, and active transportation options to reduce pollution and improve health.
Equitable Climate Funding: We’re committed to ensuring Climate Commitment Act funds benefit overburdened communities through energy assistance, environmental justice programs, and resilience-focused infrastructure projects.
Olympia Latest
🌬️ Hearing: SB 5236, which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions from anesthetic gases, will be heard in the Senate Environment, Energy, and Technology Committee on Friday, Jan. 24, at 10:30 AM.
🌳 Hearing: HB 1303, the CURB Pollution Act, which prioritizes health impacts and environmental justice in permitting decisions, will be heard in the House Environment Committee on Thursday, Jan. 23, at 8:00 AM.
🔥 Hearing: SB 5174, which addresses harmful emissions from woodstoves to help Washington meet federal air quality standards, will be heard in the Senate Environment Committee on Friday, Jan. 24, at 10:30 AM.
♻️ Hearing: HB 1150, the Recycling Reform Act, which reforms Washington’s recycling systems to reduce toxic emissions and protect public health, will be heard in the House Environment Committee on Tuesday, January 21, at 4:00 PM.
Too many communities suffer from disproportionate impacts of pollution. Air pollution is a significant risk to human health, causing heart, lung and brain disease. Overburdened communities experience the worst effects of pollution, deepening health inequities. The healthcare sector, responsible for 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, must play a role in climate solutions. The legislature can take immediate steps to reduce harmful air pollutants.
Reduce anesthetic greenhouse gas emissions: Transition away from greenhouse gases like desflurane, which are wasteful and costly to hospitals statewide. These gases contribute emissions equivalent to one million cars annually, but can be reduced by up to 95% through easily implementable cost-saving measures.
Transition away from woodstoves that spew harmful pollutants: Require state regulations to align with federal standards and phase out non-compliant stoves. While wood stoves are essential for some as a primary winter heat source or as backup heat during gas or electricity outage, current medical evidence is clear - fire smoke is harmful to health.
Adopt the CURB Pollution act: Target unregulated pollutants, strengthen protections for vulnerable populations and embed community input in the permitting process to ensure a more equitable approach to reducing pollution’s health impacts.
The climate crisis is already threatening lives and livelihoods in Washington. The 2021 Heat Dome, the deadliest weather-related disaster in state history, caused an average of 18 heat-related deaths per day. Events like this cause heat-related illnesses, create significant economic strain, and disproportionately affect renters, low-income populations, and youth. Washington’s renters struggle to afford and install heaters and coolers while extreme weather threatens their livelihoods. Young people report significant fear about the impacts of climate change on their future. Washington must act to strengthen climate resilience.
Expand access to portable heat pumps for renters: Increase Climate Commitment Act funding that promotes portable heat pumps and education for low-income communities.
Promote education and mental health resources: Funding programs that help build the psychological, social, and practical skills and community connections needed to respond effectively to climate change and other challenges via socioemotional, justice-informed climate change education in schools, training clinical providers in climate aware therapy, and integrating psychological first aid into climate disaster preparedness plans.
Transportation accounts for 22% of Washington’s pollution. Fossil-fueled vehicle, shipping, and aircraft pollution contribute to heart and lung disease, cancer, and worsened outcomes for our most vulnerable communities. Shifting to active and sustainable transit systems can improve air quality and reduce stroke, heart attack, and cancer by up to 40%. The legislature must sharply lower emissions from the transportation sector.
Invest in sustainable rail systems: Support rapid mode-shift from lanes and planes to fuel-efficient trains in Washington’s rail system and to active transportation.
Mandate shore power at ports to cut shipping emissions and improve the health of port communities
Complete Cascades rail infrastructure via theWestern WA Rail Act to finish long-required, unfunded low-emission transit.
The Healthy Environment for All Act (HEAL Act) and Climate Commitment Act (CCA) requires that a minimum of 35 percent of climate and environmental funding has specified direct and meaningful benefits to vulnerable populations in Overburdened Communities. These communities experience significant heightened risk and sensitivity to climate change. They can have greater rates of existing medical conditions, such as physical disabilities, poor mental health, kidney disease, diabetes, asthma, or heart disease, worsened by climate change impacts. The state must meet-and exceed-this target.
Universal energy assistance programs to lower energy burdens for vulnerable households.
Environmental Justice Funds to support sustainable, community-centered solutions and participatory budgeting.
Climate resilience projects, including land acquisition funds to support overburdened communities in preserving and improving climate-smart spaces.
HB 1150 - Improving Washington's solid waste management outcomes
WPSR supports efforts to reduce harmful emissions and remove pollutants from the air via reforms to our recycling industry and limitations to chemical recycling.
Shore Power Regulations - Bill Number + Name TBD
WPSR is in support of efforts that would drastically reduce the emissions and improve the health of port-side communities from shipping vessels via transitions to shore power at ports in the state.
Gas Leaf Blower Sales Ban - Bill Number + Name TBD
WPSR supports legislative efforts to improve the health of workers suffering from injuries related to gas-powered leaf blowers, and to eliminate pollutants in the air associated with these machines.
Enforcing Local Streets/Speed Limits - Bill Number + Name TBD
WPSR supports legislative efforts to keep local streets healthy and safe via enforcement of speed limits on local streets.