Initiative 2117: A Risk to Our Health

July 22, 2024

For Immediate Release:

Physicians Release Report on Health Risks of Initiative 2117 - Call for NO Vote to Protect Public Health

Seattle, WA — Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility (WPSR), a statewide advocacy organization composed of healthcare professionals, is urging residents to vote NO on Initiative 2117, a proposal that threatens the health and well-being of Washington communities by repealing the Climate Commitment Act (CCA).

Their latest report, I-2117: A Risk to Our Health, details the significant health impacts that Initiative 2117 poses to Washingtonians, especially to children and overburdened communities. 

“Repealing the CCA would reverse significant public health advancements, particularly for our most overburdened communities,” stated Dr. Mark Vossler, one of the white paper's lead authors.

Key health benefits at risk include:

  • Improved Air Quality: Investments have significantly reduced the risk of respiratory conditions like asthma, especially in children

  • Cardiovascular Health: Lower air pollution levels, which will lessen heart attack and stroke incidents

  • Mental Health: Enhanced urban green spaces promote physical activity and mental well-being

  • Heat Protection: Urban forestry projects mitigate extreme heat risks

The CCA, enacted in 2021, has been instrumental in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reinvesting in overburdened communities. The CCA mandates that 35-40% of its revenue benefits overburdened populations, with at least 10% directed to Tribal projects. Repealing these measures would exacerbate health disparities in economically disadvantaged and minority communities.

“Healthcare professionals witness firsthand the devastating effects of pollution and climate change on public health,” emphasized WPSR Executive Director Max Savishinsky. “A vote against Initiative 2117 is a vote for a healthier, more equitable future for all Washingtonians.”

WPSR calls on all residents to protect public health by voting NO on Initiative 2117.

Download the report here | Report One-Pager

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