Taking Action on Nuclear Weapons

Here in Washington State, we’re at ground zero for a nuclear catastrophe. The Kitsap-Bangor Naval Base, just 20 miles from Seattle, has the largest concentration of deployed nuclear weapons in the United States. If WA state were a country, it would have the third largest nuclear stockpile in the world. We need your help to reduce the threat of nuclear weapons.

Get started by learning more:

Get involved and spread the word:

  • Peruse the WPSR and Washington Against Nuclear Weapons websites to better understand our campaign’s theory of change and strategies, as well as ways you can take action and get more involved.

  • Read our News & Updates. Familiarize yourself with the Advocacy Resources section of our website.

  • Sign up to receive WPSR and WANW updates!

  • Identify one group or institution in your community that you are connected to. Reach out and ask for an opportunity to share information about nuclear weapons and our ongoing campaigns.

  • Consider inviting A WPSR or WANW experts or organizers to come speak to your group. You can reach us at wpsr@wpsr.org.

  • Research your local and state elected officials’ (e.g. mayors, city councilors, state representatives and senators) stance on nuclear weapons. Has your city, town, county or state passed a Back from the Brink (BftB) resolution? Is your city a member of Mayors for Peace-USA?

Use your voice and take action:

  • During critical moments in nuclear policymaking, it’s good to be able to quickly reach your representatives in Congress and share your thoughts. Bookmark the local and Washington, DC phone numbers and social media (e.g. Facebook, X, Instagram) handles of your U.S. House Representative and two U.S. senators. Find them here.

  • Contact your members of Congress, ask them to provide the name and contact information of the aide who handles nuclear weapons issues, and use our sample language to encourage them to lead us away from nuclear weapons.

  • Stay engaged and meet others who are passionate about nuclear disarmament by regularly attending Washington Against Nuclear Weapons monthly meetings! Register here.

  • If you have a unique personal perspective/expertise you bring to the cause, draft and submit a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.

Take Action

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WPSR is part of Washington Against Nuclear Weapons, the largest statewide coalition of it's kind. Learn more & join. 

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We are calling for our Members of Congress to speak out and step up for sane nuclear weapons policy.

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Click above to learn more about events and activities in our state, and how you can get involved.