Climate Change & Health Advocacy

Join WPSR today! We operate on donations from community members, healthcare professionals, activists, friends, and partner organizations. With a $50 donation, you become a Member of WPSR and help to shape the organization that you know and love! Be a part of the work to build a healthier and brighter environment and future for Washington by joining WPSR today.


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Climate Change and Health

Presentation by WPSR Board MemberDr. Ken Lans

Climate and Health Presentation

Presentation by Nathaniel Matthews-Trigg, MPH, created in August 2018 for a student climate activist webinar. Feel free to use, share, or alter this presentation. However, do give credit to Nathaniel Matthews-Trigg and WPSR.

Communicating Climate and Health

Presentation by WPSR Climate & Health Task Force member Dr. Dave Masuda, given during a Climate Change and Health advocacy workshop at the Washington State University Med School in Spokane.

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Asthma in Pierce County

WPSR is working with nurses and physicians in 350 Tacoma to build a team of health professionals in Pierce County who support climate action and a fossil fuel-free future for Tacoma.

Health Co-Benefits Slide Presentation

Presentation by WPSR Climate & Health Task Force member Rejean Idzerda on the health benefits of climate action

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Recommended Reading from WPSR's Task Force

One page of reading recommendations for an overview of climate change's health impacts from the Climate Change and Health Task Force

Health Co-Benefits Fact Sheets

Fact sheets on the health benefits of renewable energy, green transportation, lower-carbon food choices, and green space.

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The Health Co-Benefits of Climate Action

The same policies that reduce carbon emissions can provide immediate and significant health benefits.

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Prescription for Climate Action

WPSR created double-sided prescription pads. Feel free to use these at your next climate action event.

Fact Sheets on climate change and health in wa state


Major impacts concluded from analysis of DEISs, Position Statement on Crude Oil Transport, and supporting documents.

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PSR National Climate Change Website

PSR has put together background information and fact sheets highlighting a range of climate-related threats to human health.