In November 2024, Washingtonians will have three dangerous initiatives appear on their ballots for approval or rejection. These initiatives are the brainchild of a multimillionaire and seek to harm the health of our state, remove education funding, and strip support from crucial climate investments.

One thing is clear: these initiatives are anti-health and anti-democratic. Join us in working to stop this attack and keep Washington moving in the right direction.

No matter where we live in Washington, all our kids should have access to high quality child care, public schools, and early learning opportunities. 

I-2109 will take away approximately $1 billion a year from our kids and schools, all so that the ultra-wealthy can have a tax break. This initiative gives a tax cut to fewer than 4,000 mega-millionaires and billionaires in Washington while slashing much-needed education funding.

All our kids deserve the same shot at a bright future. That’s why we’re coming together to vote NO on I-2109.

Repeals the Capital Gains Tax

I-2109: Learn more

Initiative 2117 would repeal the Climate Commitment Act (CCA), a 2021 state law

In its first year, the CCA generated more than $2 billion in projects for safer and more efficient transportation, clean energy transitions, and community support to adapt to the climate crisis.

Repeal would create billions in funding gaps for programs that reduce harmful transportation emissions, and invest in community-level efforts that reduce air pollution in overburdened communities and measure changes over time.

Repeals the Climate Commitment Act

I-2117: Learn more

Today, with WA Cares, Washingtonians have an affordable, guaranteed benefit we can tap to help cover the costs of long-term care. The need for long-term care is a scary event we all hope to avoid, but the fact is 70% of us will need help with daily living activities as a result of a serious injury, illness, disease or other challenge that can happen at any age.

I-2124 will take away $8 billion from WA Cares, leaving people at the mercy of big for-profit insurance companies. Millions of Washingtonians will lose their long-term care benefits - and have to pay out of pocket for care or drain their savings to qualify for Medicaid.

Help us protect WA Cares and vote NO on I-2124.

Strips the WA Cares Plan

I-2124: Learn more